
“Are you before?” demands demented Die Form singer Franz, the opening line of the opening track of this compilation of obscure Italian machine music.The most important aspect when it comes to 100-200W Square Flood Light is the fact that they need very low power to work. “Die Form used to have quite a show,” reminisces label boss Claudio Sorge in one of the many liner note interviews,We can produce LED Circular Tube according to your requirements. “complete with lights and salt shower [WTF?], and porno pictures thrown at the crowd. Franz was possessed.”

These 26 tracks are the sound of loners manhandling machines in dank boxrooms, driven mad by the thump of heavy industry, stewing in their own deranged juices. The resulting noises vary from abrasive anti-music to Kraftwerkian pop to future sci-fi soundtracks. Like Franz, they hack into time, permanently amputating one moment (before) from the next (after).

The late 70s was just such an amputee. The permissive society had invited in the darkest of human impulses and the death drive was replacing the pleasure principle as the motivating force in human relationships.We can produce MR16 LED Spot and more other led products according to your requirements. The great Lotto hand of the Cold War was shadow boxing in the sky.Manufactured to satisfy even the most discerning aficionados, the 100-500W Circular Flood Light that we stock are ready to reveal the true nature of your vehicle. Terrorists and anarchists stamped their hobnail boots up & down the stairways of Northern Ireland, Germany, and Italy. Extremism closed in from all sides. My girlfriend’s dad got so paranoid that he even bought a mail-order crossbow and hid it in the cellar. Yes, really.

There’s an arthouse porn film called Café Flesh from 1982 about a post-apocalyptic society where 99% of the population can’t shag without excruciating pain. They go to Café Flesh to watch the 1% do it for them. This kind of frustrated desire in dystopian cityscapes gave rise to punk and the electronic avant-garde of the 80s. If Italo Disco is the bittersweet beats of a party that’s run out of coke, the Italian new wave that preceded it is music to kill to, the sound of civil war between those that do and those that want to.

“This song really captures the solitude of being a schizo killer.” Someone has written this worrying YouTube comment under the theme tune to cult 1980 slasher film Maniac. The ace 2012 remake is updated with uber hip faux-Italo-Disco (embarrassingly made by someone called ‘Rob’). It’s music to Drive around to (see also Chromatics) while picking your next victim. There’s a creepy scene where mannequin/mother-lover Elijah Wood goes on a date to see The Cabinet of Dr Caligari. This mix of febrile frustration + European arthouse sums up the music on offer on Mutazione. Fittingly, the best track is by La Bambola del Dr Kaligari, roughly translated as The Doll of Dr Caligari. Its organ-driven death disco is perfect for cerebral serial killers.

Malcolm McLaren gave British punk a brain,LED Downlights and recessed LED Ceiling Lighting retrofits turn energy gobbling light fixtures into energy saving. dumbing down May ’68 Situationism and a century of European avant-garde for antsy suburban teenagers. In contrast, the bands on this compilation devoured intractable continental philosophy for breakfast. Deleuze & Guattari, Artaud, de Sade, Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Foucault are referenced alongside musical staples Cabaret Voltaire, Tuxedomoon, Residents and Throbbing Gristle. But while their backstory is heavy with history, the music is deeply now.

European exchange students always dress like they set off in 1988; finally, they are fashionable again thanks to our obsession with ever more obscure pockets of history. Apart from giving you the edge over every other DJ in town, this compilation will make you hungry for more. The liner notes alone demand a full book. For many of the featured bands, the story is the same: An intriguing start followed by an unreleased second album and oblivion. The quality of what’s on offer deserves to kickstart a hunt for these lost tapes- we need to hear what happened after.

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