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"With disruptive technologies, it's often the case that the killer app turns out to be one that's not even conceived of when the technology is first developed." That's a quote from Gerald E. Loeb, Chief Executive Officer of SynTouch, one of the 36 innovative technology start-ups named today by the World Economic Forum as Technology Pioneers. SynTouch has invented robot fingers with the sensitivity of human touch. What impact might this technology have in 5, 10 or 20 years?


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A photovoltaic thermal roof developed by BlueScope Steel has helped a team of students from the Illawarra region win an international competition to build the most energy efficient house.


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JA Solar Holdings Co.,A solar lantern uses this sunlight that is abundantly available to charge its batteries through a Solar Panel and gives light in nighttime. Ltd., one of the world's largest manufacturers of high-performance solar power products,We have a great selection of blown glass backyard solar landscape lights and solar garden light. today announced that its p-type mono-crystalline silicon ("mono-Si") solar cells, a new family of high-performance solar cells dubbed "PERCIUM," have surpassed 20% conversion efficiency.


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Emery Law Firm has completed a 4.0kw grid-tied photovoltaic carport canopy designed and installed by Sol Luna Solar.


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The best thing about Elon Musk’s Hyperloop project was the anticipation. He promised to unveil plans for a system that would whisk passengers from Los Angeles to San Francisco in half an hour, using a “fifth mode” of transportation—one that would supplement and perhaps even replace cars, boats, trains, and planes. The hive mind of the Internet buzzed: Vacuum tube? Lofstrom loop? Teleportation? Skepticism abounded,How solar panel cells work and where to buy solar kits for home use. too, as it wasn’t long ago that someone promised to transform transportation and instead gave us the Segway, which turned out to be really useful for, well, not much.


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The new Phoenix Regional Office of DPR Construction, designed by SmithGroupJJR, has been officially certified as a Net Zero Energy Building by the International Living Future Institute (ILFI). It’s the largest building in the world to achieve Net Zero Energy Building Certification through the Institute to-date.


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Editor’s note: This is Part 2 of a 2-part series.Amid a riot of blood and screaming, darkness and gunshots, two deputies lay bleeding, gasping their final breaths.Just steps away, inside a trailer, the man accused of gunning them down in cold blood tied a white pillowcase to a broom handle. He waved it from the door, then crawled out behind it, a trail of blood streaming from his leg, shot to pieces in the firefight.


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Whenever energy conservation is mentioned our minds goes to cars and trucks congesting our roads and delaying our arrival to destinations. This is understandable and we need to solve transportation problems in a way that conserves energy among other objectives.


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The era of specific decor trends is on the wane. Rooms full of traditional or modern furniture have been replaced by a more eclectic sensibility, interior decorators and designers agree. 


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Baton Rouge, LA has been named our top-ranked metro for Economic Growth Potential. Louisiana’s capital has had great success in executing the state’s strategy of bringing together business and higher education in innovative public-private partnerships that spur initiatives in new high-growth sectors.


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What you see as you prepare for sleep or whenever you awaken during your sleep period can be either stimulating or relaxing. Sleep-inhibiting visual factors include a cluttered or messy bedroom, a bedroom decorated with busy artwork or bright colors, a bedroom that admits light from outside the room or a bedroom that has sources of light inside the room 

Remedies include keeping the bedroom decluttered and decorated with relaxing art and colors.Find great deals on Hmhid for HID Off-Road Lights products in LED Lights. Research indicates that dusty rose and powder blue are the two most relaxing colors.Finding China High Quality solar bulb for outdoor applications such as your patio, yard or porch can be a challenge. My wife and I decorated our childrens’ nurseries in these two colors in an attempt to ensure good sleep. We also had light-blocking shades and curtains so car headlights, street lamps, sunshine and moonlight didn’t interfere with their sleep. Some people wear eye sleep masks to block out light while they sleep. 

Another environmental factor is the moon. A recent study from Switzerland seems to indicate that people tend to sleep better during new moons and sleep worse during full moons.Most of aftermarket hid Slim/Normal Ballast HID Kit for motorcycle are similar or the same with following one. When the moon was full, people in the study took longer to fall asleep and got less sleep.Energy efficient High Quality Solar street lighting strip kits bring an urban glow to your bar that looks incredible. 

The researcher hypothesized that the real sleep-influencing factor behind the moon phase-sleep correlation is the amount of light to which people are exposed while trying to get to sleep and while sleeping. The amount of light affects melatonin levels in the body, which affects the sleep-wake cycle. You may not be able to control the stages of the moon, but you can block out all external light from your bedroom,Xenon HID Worlds make hid lighting affordable to everyone and for all your vehicle needs. thereby nullifying the effects of its light on sleep. 

Noises can also disturb sleep. Extraneous noises such as barking dogs, passing traffic, sirens, trains, lawn care equipment and the like can be blocked out by white noise or environmental sounds machines that generate sounds of nature, such as waves, rain, and waterfalls. Extra soundproofing measures in or around bedroom walls, doors, floors, ceilings and windows can also help. Windows with two panes of glass and space or vacuum between them also block sound transmission from the outside. 

Some people listen to music to relax and block out other noise. When using music as a sleep aid, sleep professionals recommend slow, soft, instrumental music without vocals because fast-paced music and lyrics are physiologically and mentally stimulating. For the same reasons, going to bed with the TV or radio on is not recommended. 

Not only does brushing your own teeth and using mouthwash help you, but they may help your sleep partner have a better night. Similarly, you may need to encourage your sleep partner gently to attend to oral hygiene for your sleep’s sake. Our brain does get used to smells after a few minutes, so eventually we are no longer bothered by problematic smells. 

Another aid involves aromatherapy. Some scents promote drowsiness, relaxation, and/or sound sleep. Lavender essential oil seems to be one of the most commonly used and most effective. Chamomile essential oil has proven to induce sleep. Sandalwood oil has the same effect, but the sandalwood tree is endangered. Therefore, its oil is expensive and difficult to find. 

Jasmine, vanilla, rose, lilac, ylang-ylang, bergamot and mandarin orange or tangerine all benefit sleep. You can find these essential oils and apply them to your pillow or buy materials to make into herbal pillows. Many of these ingredients also can be found in herbal teas either individually or in combinations. Welcome to www.hmhid.com Web. If you love it, please buy it!

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The power sector continues to be in the news,After searching around the Lights section of this forum, I've come across two main suppliers for Wholesale HID XENON Kits. but not much seems new: shortages and rising costs of coal and gas, continuing power cuts, or the mounting losses of distribution companies. 

What is passing below the news radar is the gradual rollout of electricity connections to 8 crore rural homes. How solar panel cells work and where to buy solar kits for home use. This unique feat represents progress, but the shape it takes could reduce it to a missed opportunity – of providing a level of reliable and sustainable service that can boost rural development. 

Government reports indicate a rapid expansion of what could be called a sub-standard service in the last decade. 

As many as 94 per cent of villages had electricity in 2013, up from 74 per cent just eight years ago, with about 100,000 villages getting connected through the Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) programme. 

Yet, only 55 per cent of rural households have access. Why this discrepancy in coverage between villages covered and households covered? 

With further investments of Rs 60,000 crore planned in the Twelfth Plan, it may be a matter of time before universal access becomes a reality in India. But what if the households coverage remains poor? 

The Ministry for New and Renewable Energy reports that the private sector too has brought electricity through decentralised, renewable energy-based systems to around 9,000 villages, thereby providing electricity to about a million people. 

This is a modest achievement in comparison with grid expansion, but in the last few years, investments in stand-alone solar home systems and biomass-based microgrids have picked up as entrepreneurs have more aggressively seized on regulatory and financial incentives.We are professional wholesale best Wholesale OEM and ODM services,large LED Dome / Reading Lampwholesale order. 

However, these numbers tell only part of the story. The access gap is still huge and regionally concentrated — over half of households without access live in three States, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. Further, the potential benefits of these systems may be under-exploited. 

According to the Indian Human Development Survey of 2004-05, households in rural India that have electricity on average receive power for three hours less per day (15 versus 18 hours/day) than urban areas. 

This disparity is also evident from the low per-capita consumption of 8 units/month for rural households compared with 24 for urban. 

Stand-alone systems offered by energy entrepreneurs provide supply for limited hours, typically in the late evenings,Thank you for providing us with information to help us maintain street light. and offer primarily lighting and phone charging capability. The price of supply varies widely across rural India and is often much higher than grid electricity prices. 

Many newly connected households, from private or utility providers, often pay a flat rate of Rs 100 per month, which may work out to over Rs 30 per unit for low service levels, while the grid tariff for minimum consumption can be Rs 3/unit or less. 

There is an improvement in people’s quality of life (through longer study hours for children,Choose your favorite street lamp paintings from thousands of available designs. better services in schools and health clinics, drinking water supply, women’s safety, increased awareness due to better media access etc) and economic status (through increase in productivity in small-scale businesses and agriculture). 

A recently published study by one of the authors shows that small-scale household enterprises in India that have electricity access earn 18 per cent or more income than those without, after controlling for a range of other factors that influence income. 

Every hour of improved availability is associated with a percentage point increase in income. If the government aims to boost rural economic development, the current state of electricity service in India falls far short of what is required. More information about the program is available on the web site at www.indoorilite.com.


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Sky-high energy bills coupled with soaring energy company profits has led to a 'deep mistrust' of energy firms,An emergency light is a battery-backed lighting device that comes on automatically when a building experiences a power outage. according to a committee of MPs.Most modern headlight designs include Wholesale HID Kit. 

A lack of transparency over the link between company profits and bills is undermining trust in the so-called 'Big Six' firms that effectively control the UK's energy market, MPs on the Energy and Climate Change Committee (ECC) warned. 

They also said that the regulator Ofgem has failed to take decisive action to improve matters.A Best hid kits concept that would double as a quick charge station for gadgets. 

The report states: "One thing is clear; energy companies have been poor at communicating with their customers. Confusing bills, complex tariffs and a lack of transparency around profit margins have fuelled deep mistrust among consumers." 

ECC spokesman Sir Robert Smith MP said: "At a time when many people are struggling with the rising costs of energy, consumers need reassurance that the profits being made by the Big Six are not excessive." 

"Unfortunately, the complex vertically-integrated structure of these companies means that working out exactly how their profits are made requires forensic accountants. Ofgem should shine a brighter light on the internal structure of these big companies." 

The six largest energy companies in the UK (British Gas, EDF Energy, E.ON UK, npower, Scottish Power, and SSE) are complex businesses, with several different arms – generating, trading and supplying energy – that sometimes sell energy and services to other parts of the same company. 

This means that when they report their overall profits, they include all these different business arms, making it difficult for the public to determine exactly how much profit has been generated from rising domestic energy bills. 

Greater transparency is thus urgently needed to reassure consumers that high energy prices are not fuelling excessive profits, according to the MPs. 

The ECC also said that Ofgem is failing consumers by "not taking all possible steps to improve openness and increase competition in the energy market". The MPs criticised the regulator for its "relatively light touch approach" and for not fully implementing the recommendations of the accountants it commissioned in an earlier report to improve how energy companies report their profits.A solar lantern uses this sunlight that is abundantly available to charge its batteries through a Solar Panel and gives light in nighttime. 

Which? executive director Richard Lloyd said: "Hard-pressed consumers consistently tell us that the spiralling cost of their energy bills is one of their top financial concerns,Get the led fog lamp products information, find Best Motorcycle HID Kit, manufacturers on the hot channel. with energy companies trusted by fewer than a quarter of their customers." 

"People will not feel confident that they are paying a fair price for their energy unless prices are simplified and the costs that make up our energy bills are open, transparent and subject to robust scrutiny. 

"The government and regulator must do more to rebuild trust in the suppliers and to keep prices in check. We want the government to introduce simple energy pricing and a clear ring-fence between generation and supply businesses, so consumers can see exactly what they're paying for and be more confident that there is effective competition in the energy market." Welcome to www.soli-lite.com Web. If you love it, please buy it!

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Electric lanterns and solar-powered battery-charging stations were the brainchild of Andy Schroeter, an electrical engineer and native of Hamburg, Germany. The Pico lantern that he uses — “a multifunctional mobile or stationary lighting device” — is made by the German company Phocos. 

Schroeter came to Laos in 1995 with his wife, a development aid worker. Travelling through the country, he saw bitterly poor villages without electricity. In 2000 he founded Sunlabob Renewable Energy, a Laos-based company specialising in renewable energy and clean water solutions throughout the developing world. 

The entrepreneur experimented with lamps of many kinds. The first prototypes resembled mine lamps; not so the Pico lanterns, which are bright orange, equipped with a high-efficiency LED and look like oversized flashlights. 
With a robust, shock-resistant housing that is sealed against water and dust, they can withstand the damp jungle climate. “Wonderful,” is the assessment by Noy, who has no complaints about the design. 

While there are less expensive solar-powered lamps on the market, they are often unsuitable for the jungle. Broken lamps end up in the rubbish and have to be replaced. 

A virtually indestructible Sunlabob Pico Lantern costs 48 (about $61), which is unaffordable to poor villagers. So Sunlabob projects require a start-up donation. In the area of Bong Nam and six surrounding villages, the German embassy in the Lao capital Vientiane donated 10,000 (about $12,800) for seven charging stations with 50 lanterns each. 

The charging stations and lanterns belong to the villages; the villagers pay only for the light. “We wanted to show that sustainable business models can be developed for the poorest of people, too,The world’s most efficient and cost effective hid lights?” said Schroeter, who tinkered with his model for a long time. 

Noy, who manages her family’s finances, saves a quite a bit lot of money with the electric lantern. 

“A single recharging costs 1,000 Lao kips,” or less than 10 US cents, and provides 55 hours of light, noted light master Nyot Many. “The kerosene that we previously bought cost 10,000 kips a litre,Use our High Quality Solar systems products to replace traditional halogen and incandescent spot lights in track lighting. which lasted for about 13 hours.” 

Noy spends the savings on food for her family. “Now I buy fish sauce,” she said. “And flavour enhancer,” a white power regarded as a luxury item in Laos.As well we have fabrics and textures available for our led products list, table lamps, pendant lighting and wall sconces. “I also set a little money aside in case someone becomes ill.” 

The light master, in whose house the small charging station is located,You can choose to use the efficient and durable Best LED Fog Lamp products that come in various colors for artistic purposes. also profits. During a reporter’s recent visit, he was recharging two lanterns. “There are 50 lanterns in the village.We can produce all kinds of China emergency light products even according to your own designs. We recharge them about 350 times a month,” he said. That comes to 350,000 kips, or about $45 a month, half of which he shares with three colleagues who take turns running the station. The other half goes into a reserve fund, a record of which is kept in a red ring binder open to everyone in the village. 

He added that he now saw far fewer patients — not only because of the inoculations, but also the electric lanterns. “A lot more people used to come with a cough from the smoke of the kerosene lamps,” he said. 

Noy knows the problem well. “Since the lamplight was so dim,” she said, “you had to decide whether to come up very close — and get a black nose and start coughing — or to not see much.” 

The kerosene lamps were dangerous as well. “My house burned down four years ago,” related light master Am Mawn, who said his children had been home alone when the lamp suddenly tipped over. “All of them got out, though.” 

The inhabitants of Bong Nam are now considering ways to use electric light in the evening to earn more money, for example with handicrafts. Click on their website www.hmhid.com for more information.

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I love the Proms but hate the Albert Hall. It’s horribly uncomfortable, the audience facilities are dreadful; the long, snaking loo-queues that congest the corridors are an absurdity; and the small efforts that the Hall has made since last year to improve things have made little difference. It’s a dump. And London’s concert-going life would be improved immeasurably if the place were pulled down and replaced with an impressive new hall fit for purpose. Which of course is never going to happen. 

But I have another issue with the way the BBC fits out the Hall during the Proms – and does so every year now, with a loathsome strip of panelled (I suppose LED) lighting round the platform that bathes everything in lurid colours and successfully transforms the auditorium into the likeness of a pole-dancing establishment in Porthcawl. Seriously tacky. 

They don’t even use these lighting panels with imagination.Finding China High Quality solar bulb for outdoor applications such as your patio, yard or porch can be a challenge. For the opening of the Ring Cycle the other night, I’d hoped for dazzling visual effects to generate some atmosphere around the concert staging. But no, nothing.Find great deals on Hmhid for HID Off-Road Lights products in LED Lights. 

Worse still, they provided nothing in the way of surtitles: a crazily missed opportunity. Being the Proms, it’s likely that a large proportion of that audience was new to Wagner, coming to the Cycle for the first time. To provide no surtitles was madness. And the fact that you could buy libretti was no substitute – (a) because following a printed libretto in a long performance is hard, especially if you’re sharing, and (b) because the BBC failed to print enough copies and they ran out. 

That said, Rheingold was magnificent. The opposite of everything that Wagner had intended – given that he didn’t want the orchestra on show, and hid it at Bayreuth beneath a cover that conceals the pit – it was a fabulous display, in every sense, of beautiful orchestral playing, beautifully managed from the podium by Daniel Barenboim. 

There was no fuss, no overstatement, no hysteria: just clear,Most of aftermarket hid Slim/Normal Ballast HID Kit for motorcycle are similar or the same with following one. straightforward, unadorned Authority. Capital A. I’ve rarely seen conducting of such purity and purpose, not a gesture wasted, totally productive of results.The LED street light project accounts for one-third of the targeted 20% carbon footprint reduction for the City. And what results. 

This orchestra, the Berlin Staatskapelle, and I think most of the singers had been doing recent Ring with Barenboim in Berlin and Milan. So they were fine-tuned as a team. And though not many of them ranked as star-names on the international opera circuit, they were hand-picked: Iain Paterson an eloquent and cultivated Wotan, Johannes Martin Kranzle a strangely noble Alberich, and Eric Halfvarson as black-voiced a Fafner as you could hope to hear. 

There could have been more effort toward staging – it was very token – but with half the audience burying their heads in their libretti (if they had them) it might well have been a wasted gesture. 

One word of advice to audience-members at the next instalments: there’s a little book called INTRODUCING WAGNER: A GRAPHIC GUIDE that’s your potential opensesame to all this.After searching around the Lights section of this forum, I've come across two main suppliers for Wholesale HID XENON Kits. Published by Icon, it’s a pocket-sized paperback for musically intelligent readers who haven’t quite found their way into Wagner but are sort of ready for the plunge. It comes with cartoons, but it’s deadly serious. And it’s written by me. So I recommend it. Read the full story at www.soli-lite.com web.


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Public awareness of fuel economy has never been greater, and with new corporate average fuel economy standards coming into play, automakers are being forced into building V6-powered pickups that are legitimate hard-working trucks with decent tow ratings, in an attempt to suit even the most fuel-frugal buyer's demand. 

The 2014 Chevrolet Silverado is such a truck, making more power than any of its six-shooter predecessors, and also making the most torque of any other V6 half-ton on sale today, save Ford's turbocharged V6 and Ram's V6 diesel.As well we have fabrics and textures available for our led products list, table lamps, pendant lighting and wall sconces. This 4.3-liter power plant makes 285 hp and 305 lb-ft of torque and is an all-new V6 engine, despite it carrying over the same displacement as the previous Silverado V6. 

It features General Motor’s EcoTec3 technology that consists of variable valve timing, direct injection and cylinder deactivation.The LED street light project accounts for one-third of the targeted 20% carbon footprint reduction for the City. The EPA pegs the truck at 18 MPG in the city, 24 MPG on the highway and 20 MPG combined when equipped with two-wheel drive, while four-wheel drive versions are said to return 17 MPG city, 22 MPG on the highway and 19 MPG combined. In our real world testing, the truck returned an admirable 18 MPG while doing mostly city driving. 

While the EcoTec3 technology is constantly at work, the cylinder deactivation system is the only one that is noticeable to the driver thanks to an indicator in between the tachometer and speedometer.You benefit from buying HID Back-Up Light Kit ex-factory and directly from a LED manufacturer. The transition between V6 and V4 mode is seamless, and you would never know it was working if the screen wasn't there. Now, the V6 truck isn't quite as willing to kick off its cylinders as the V8 trucks, but two less cylinders is a lot less to work with. 

Engine aside,Heavy duty off-road LED light bars and vehicle LED auxiliary lights, portable and fixed Motorcycle Projector Lens Manufacturers and replacement bulbs. the new Chevy has added one a key element that the previous generation of GM pickups simply didn't have: refinement. Improved aerodynamics, new inlaid doors, hydraulic chassis mounts and the addition of an interior that is actually enjoyable makes this the quietest, smoothest Silverado ever. 

A combination of an optional touchscreen, knobs and toggle switches make up the controls, which are ergonomically laid out making operation of all systems simple. Special mention goes to the trailer brake controller which has been relocated to just beside the steering wheel on the left hand side, a piece of real estate that hasn’t been used all that well in most trucks. Now, even in an emergency situation, the trailer brake controller is quickly within reach. 

Storage and connectivity are also given special attention, to make this interior not only nice on the eyes, but functional for families and business men. The center console now has file hangers, a cell phone storage spot, and even a place meant for a table or folded laptop computer. Anyone who used the old Silverado as a mobile office will surely feel as though they have upgraded from the cramped cubicle to the corner office when they step foot in this new cabin. Up to 5 USB ports, three 12V plug-ins and one 120V three-prong plug can be had in the interior, making this Silverado easy to turn into a power source for a laptop, cell phone, tablet and iPod, all at the same time. 

Usability on the exterior has been improved as well, with the addition of in-bed LED lights, a spring loaded bed and two bed steps which are incorporated in the bumper; a clever solution for loading and unloading cargo out of this pickup truck bed. 

The base price for Silverado is $24,585, which nets a simple, bare bones 1WT trim. One of the few things working hard against the V6-powered Silverado, is the $895 charge it costs to bump up to the 5.3-liter V8. While it may be the brand’s most capable V6 ever, for someone who works their truck day in and day out, the V8 is still the way to go. 

Strong dynamics and, most importantly, a revised interior that takes no carry over from the previous Silverado make this truck a strong contender in the segment.Most of aftermarket hid Slim/Normal Ballast HID Kit for motorcycle are similar or the same with following one.  Chevy didn't opt for anything groundbreaking such as turbo engines or diesel in this new Silverado, instead sticking pretty close to the old truck in terms of styling, and even in engine displacements (nostalgia, I’m told, is one of the main reasons why the displacements haven’t changed in over a decade.) Click on their website www.soli-lite.com for more information.


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They sub hung two trusses from the Orbit which were shaped to the roof to maximise all the available height and ensure it looked super-neat, with a further upstage truss used to fly five columns of UEP's Glux 12 LED screen. 

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World-class technological innovation in building products has reached another rung in British Columbia. 


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As an EPC contractor, Asunim Turkey started its activities in 2012 within the structure of the well-established Asunim Group, which has experience of over 150MW worldwide. Umut Gurbuz , General Manager of Asunim Turkey,You can choose to use the efficient and durable Best LED Fog Lamp products that come in various colors for artistic purposes. is grateful to Kivanc Tekstil A.s for choosing Asunim from among dozens of other solar companies. "Asunim Group provides their clients with a safe bet for their future energy requirements by offering quality and efficiency-oriented EPC service through 12 years of experience and know-how in the PV industry," stated Umut Gurbuz in a recent conversation. 

"We worked on three different types of rooftops for the Adana project: a flat roof, an east-west inclined roof, and a south inclined roof, all of which posess unique challenges for the installation process." Mr. Gurbuz then directed attention to small details in the system design that affect the economic return of any PV project and that may be overlooked by less experienced contractors. 

"By using state-of-the-art measuring programs, Asunim evaluates dozens of different combinations and selects the best system combination with locally-optimized energy production and high-quality components. All technical aspects of measuring, installing, and commissioning are realized under the guidance of expert engineers and technicians from Europe.It is also known as LED Dome / Reading Lamp Wholesalers, LED daytime running lamps. They are happy to bring European standards to Turkey," said Mr. Gurbuz. 

"High electricity prices and Turkey's renewable energy potential have led to high PV demand all over the country. Asunim is having difficulty meeting the soaring energy demand of this growing market, and has plans to start installing five PV plants in various locations around Turkey in the upcoming months," he added. 

"We are happy with the service we provided to Kivanc Tekstil. A.s., a company with vision that is known for bringing innovation to the textile industry,RGB LED Color-changing high quality HID Ballast products headlight accent light system for headlight halo effect. and would like to thank them for counting on Asunim and Asunim's international team. The Adana project sets an example for the rest of Turkey on reducing energy dependence and contributes to the competitiveness of Turkey's export sector," Mr. Gurbuz stated. 

According to Mehmet Kivanc, vice chairman of Kivanc Tekstil A.s., the major factors contributing to his company's decision to invest in solar energy were the need to gain independence over the coming decades from rising electricity prices as well as the desire to meet the factory’s energy needs through locally-produced clean energy. "After reviewing the entire installation project upon its completion, we are glad to have worked with Asunim," he stated. "The Asunim engineering team realized the installation and testing process with state-of-the-art measuring programs, and they presented extremely professional service," Mr. Kivanc indicated. 

"A breakthrough in the textile industry as well as in the energy sector is happening for Kivanc Tekstil A.s. and others right now. We have diversified our sources of energy production, first by using hydro and natural gas in the past and now by investing in PV electricity production. We are proud to operate Turkey’s largest roof-mounted system,You benefit from buying HID Back-Up Light Kit ex-factory and directly from a LED manufacturer: and we want to continue in this direction by investing more in renewable energies, especially in solar PV projects," he stated. 

The complete system was configured with 3.840 units solar panels and 40 units Fronius inverters on the roof of a 12.000m textile factory. With 30 years of lifetime or more, the system is expected to prevent 653.000Kg of carbon emissions per year. Apart from the environmental benefits and based on conservative estimates, Kivanc Tekstil A.s.The most important aspect when it comes to China LED License Plate Lamp is the fact that they need very low power to work.stands to save approximately 2.1 millions in electricity consumption over the next 30 years with this system alone. Click on their website www.mylamplo.com for more information.


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Palmerston North streets could be illuminated by LED lights within 10 years, in a move to make the city more energy efficient. 

A look at the Palmerston North's City Council's spending this year showed the city is not isolated from the impact of oil supply on electricity prices. 

And just how the council would cope if price spikes became serious was put to the council's planning and policy committee yesterday when the results of an oil vulnerability audit showed a number of the council's services counted on oil. 

On the oil-reliant list were street lighting, the council's vehicle fleet, electricity and gas use at the wastewater treatment plant and electricity use at the council's administration buildings. 

Head of strategy and policy Neil Miller said different solutions were looked at to lower energy consumption and cut costs if required. Changes to the city's street lighting and the council's fleet use would be the first areas of focus.The world’s most efficient and cost effective hid lights?

The replacement of street lights to LED, or light-emitting diode bulbs, could save power, money and be done progressively, he said. 

One of the audit's mitigation options suggests a $3 million spend on 6350 non-arterial route LED street lamps, which would save the council $270,000 a year. 

Mr Miller said the change could be a gradual process - street lights that had reached the end of their lifespan could be replaced with LED bulbs over a 10-year period. 

Palmerston North businessman and former councillor David Ireland told the committee he had concerns about the tone of the oil vulnerability audit and how it would affect the city's business community. "There are different ways of doing things that can have an impact on how we are able to find smarter ways to work around risks .These LED Strip light can, apparently, operate entirely off the grid. . . I'm asking you to think a little bit wider to where the report is coming from." 

Businesses in town serviced the oil industry and there were resources on the East Coast being explored that could create new opportunities for the council and city businesses, he said. 

The council will continue to monitor its energy use and maintain its programmes for renewable energy, adding a yearly review of oil vulnerability. 

The fee would help cover an approximately $1 million recurring shortfall in the Public Works Fund, which starts at the end of fiscal year 2013-14. The fee also would provide funds to upgrade street lights to LEDs, as well as expand the city's streetlight system. 

Apartment owners and businesses also would pay the new fee.The Car LED Daytime Running light produces comfortable light which is very close to the natural light emitted by the sun. Those proposed charges would be $5.60 per month, on the low end, for a two-unit residential building. The highest proposed charge is $16 per month for a commercial building. 

"We have got a lot of comments that, 'Well, we would be supportive if we had streetlights on our street,Are you still hesitating about where to buy hid kit?' " said Peter Fernandez, the city's public works director. Part of the money raised would be set aside for new street light installations,The g-sensor high brightness motorcycle HID XENON Kits is designed with motorcyclist safety in mind. he said. 

Staff have recommended that the proposed streetlight and neighborhood street maintenance fee appear on utility bills as early as February. More information about the program is available on the web site at www.hmhid.com.


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