
Before reading a selected piece from the Koran (the holy book of the Muslims), witnessed by two male persons and a lawyer or eminent person, the officiating priest will ask the bride if she is happy with the arrangement and whether she agrees to marry the groom. The boy is asked the same. The marriage is registered. It is first signed by the groom and then two witnesses. The bride will sign later. The groom is then taken to the women section. He gives money and gifts to the sisters of the bride. He receives the blessings of the elder woman and offers his salutations. Dinner is served separately to the women and men. The groom's family feasts separately. After their first meal, the groom and bride are seated together and a long scarf is used to cover their heads while the priest makes them read prayers. Please visit our popular Red Mother Of The Bride Outfits.

The Holy Koran is kept between them and they are allowed to see each other through reflection by mirrors. Dried dates and a sweet dish are served to the guests. The dates have religious significance. The groom spends the night in a separate room at the girl's house with a younger brother. In the morning he is given clothes, money and gifts by the bride's parents. That afternoon his relatives come to accompany the bridal couple to their home. The farewell by the father of the bride is performed by the father giving her hand to her husband and asking him to protect her always. Final farewells are offered and the couple leaves. Another tradition from the Muslims of South Asia is that when the bride enters her new home, her mother-in-law holds the Koran over her and the groom follows. It is believed this may have its roots in the Hindu faith.

Four days after the wedding she is taken back to her parent's place. The wedding reception is held when the husband brings his wife and her family back to a reception hosted by his family. Gifts are exchanged between the bride's family and the groom's family before and after the wedding. Throughout the Muslim world, a cherry red shade is chosen for bridal robes. The following descriptions are very typical of those worn in South Asia, and by those who practice the Islam of this region. Covering the head during a wedding is a mark of respect. It may vary in length, covering not only the head but the shoulders, back and almost down to the waistline. The draping may be done is several ways. In the center of the forehead sandalwood is applied and further decorated with gold, red and white dots. This decoration may also be done over the eyebrows. The groom may wear a white silk brocade suit, sword and turban as his wedding outfit.

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