
In the winter of 1988, when I first moved to Poland, Warsaw had two types of restaurants. The first type was formal,Indoorlite offers the best High Quality LED Ceiling Light along with the best halogen spotlight. empty, state-owned, and dusty, lit by flickering, hissing fluorescent bulbs. They had long menus from which one could select dishes -- mostly roast pork, in various guises, or watery soups -- which might or might not actually appear. The waiters were bored, or just plain rude: "They pretend to pay us, and we pretend to work," went the mantra. They might take an order, amble into the kitchen, amble back again, and announce that whatever you wanted was gone, and probably most other things were too. If you protested, they shrugged. 

The second sort of restaurant was private -- sometimes very private. A few tables and a dozen chairs or so were set up in apartments or the back rooms of houses. They weren't exactly illegal, but they weren't necessarily licensed either. Unlike their state-owned counterparts, these restaurants were full of good cheer and slightly more expensive, which was a good thing: It meant that the menu reflected the prices of the private market in food, and not the controlled prices of the dysfunctional state economy, in which dingy state-run shops sold little more than vinegar, canned meat, and dry crackers. Every once in a while a queue would form for a shipment of sausage. 

Even then, food was a sign of the eating revolution to come. The markets that supplied the private restaurants were seasonal, which meant piles and piles of sweet, delicious strawberries in early summer, ripe plums and yellow beans in late summer, and crisp apples, pumpkin, squash, and earthy potatoes in autumn.We have High Quality LED Circular Tube, reading lamps and floor lamps and more. The vegetables were excellent -- and naturally organic,We can produce all kinds of High Quality LED Corn Light even according to your own designs.While many High Quality LED PL Light are now dimmable, not all of them are and not all of them dim in the same way. because the farmers couldn't afford pesticides. Alongside the local farmers, Russian traders came to the markets too, selling tins of beluga caviar for the equivalent of a few dollars. One of my friends knew a "veal lady" who delivered black-market meat as if it were contraband. And there were good free-range eggs to be found, if you knew whom to ask. Here was the foundation of a new capitalism -- even before the Berlin Wall crumbled. 

It was no accident that when British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher arrived in Warsaw in the autumn of 1988 -- dressed in a full-length fur coat and fur hat -- she went grocery shopping. One of her former advisors recently told me that Thatcher said she wanted to visit a place where "the free market" was working, and the British ambassador to Poland pointed her to the Hala Mirowska, a dilapidated but still elegant 19th-century covered market. At that time, it was filled with country farmers selling their wares at "free prices." As startled shoppers stopped and stared, she swept through the fruit stalls, a crowd of television cameras behind her. The British ambassador scurried behind too, paying for her purchases and jars of pickles broken in the commotion. 

Less than a year later, communism collapsed, and in its wake, Polish food began to change rapidly. In fact, the food culture probably changed even faster than the politics because the transformation was already happening: The economic collapse of the 1980s had produced a generation of food entrepreneurs who, by 1990, were delighted to come out of the shadows. 

Just as in politics,Our High Quality LED Composite Material Bulb and solar phone chargers are uniquely designed, high-quality and low-cost. the first phase of the transformation was chaotic. Bad cardboard pizza became available very quickly, as did lousy (and overpriced) "French" restaurants, most of which served overcooked meat in heavy sauces. McDonald's appeared in 1992 and initially caused a sensation -- people went just for the novelty. But as the economy grew, restaurants multiplied, the charm of the Golden Arches waned, and alternatives of all kinds began to appear. 

Home cooks had more options: Amateur makers of Polish jams, preserves, and relishes became professionals, acquiring marketing finesse and better packaging. Small farms and factories producing organic pork or game sausages began to flourish as well. At summer festivals and farmers' markets, I wandered the stalls, filling my bag with thin dried sausages, wildflower honey, and beets preserved with horseradish. Click on their website for more information.

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